Global Public Market investment instruments that focus on investing in themes over and above individual stocks with the goal to:
Enable much better returns compared to leading indices
Reduced risk via focussed metrics such as Sharpe Ratio, Max Drawdown and Volatility
Investing across the entire value chain of the theme i.e. commodities, debt funds, stocks and ETFs
Advantages Of Global Investing
Global Investing has proven to have the below advantages in contrast to portfolios that are heavily India focussed:
Value For Money: Indian Index is considerably more expensive than that of US. Investors have fewer choices: Sensex P/E is 22% higher; P/BV is 20% lower vs. DJIA
Lower Risk: Standard deviation for Indian Index is higher vs US: <1% over 3 years; 3% over 10 years; coupled with FX benefit of 5.07% over last 5 years and low correlation between the two markets (0.36) making diversification real
Investing In The Future: Indian Index has a stronger tilt towards traditional industries rather than innovative companies.
Top 5 Sensex stocks: RIL, HDFC, HDFC Bank, Infosys, ICICI
Top 5 DJIA stocks: Apple, MSFT, JPMC, Visa, J&J
Greater IPO Opportunities: Little Sensex activity in FY19: $1.5 Bn raised in India vs $32 Bn raised in US Vs. 2018: India saw a 66% decline in funds raised vs. no change in US
Key Questions / Success Criteria
While Global Investing is gaining significant traction of late, it's worth noting that the below questions define the magnitude of success in this investment journey:
When to enter the market? E.g. is the pandemic period a good time to get in?
What to invest in? E.g. investing in global markets and assets that are less vulnerable to macro economic forces and creating significant innovation value
When to exit? E.g. timing the market to achieve at-least 10% higher than market median returns
Getting the above right, requires significant research and time investment on part of the investors, which is a significant challenge in today's day and time.
Global Investment Theses
Theses as the word suggests is backed by significant research.​ When we design products for investors to invest in a specific space or theme, it is backed by significant research at ShiftAltCap.
Global Investment Theses' by ShiftAltCap are Global Public Market investment instruments that focus on investing in themes over an above individual stocks with the goal to:
Enable much better returns compared to leading indices
Reduced risk via focussed metrics such as Sharpe Ratio, Max Drawdown and Volatility
Invest across the entire value chain of the theme i.e. commodities, debt funds, stocks and ETFs
Outlined below are Global Investment Theses designed by ShiftAltCap based on 2 different investment themes / objectives: